Briefing Paper: New CO2 tax to be included in Germany’s road tolls

Briefing Paper: New CO2 tax to be included in Germany’s road tolls

ECG — 2023-08-03

News from ECG

ECG - The Association of European Vehicle Logistics has published a briefing paper on the substantial new CO2 tax which is planned to be included in Germany’s road tolls from 1 December 2023.

This paper provides a summary of the proposed changes to road tolls (Lkw-MAUT) in Germany and, specifically, on the introduction of a CO2 emissions tax. The purpose of the paper is to inform ECG members and other actors in the vehicle logistics sector about these changes. As a result of the proposed legislation governing road tolls in Germany, road taxes will increase significantly for logistics companies operating in Germany, or transiting the country, starting  from 1 December 2023 if the legislation is approved by the German Parliament, as expected, in the coming weeks.

Download the briefing paper here.