VDI Guideline on lashing

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The VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, German Engineer Association)’s guideline 2700 on lashing on board of vehicle transporters was updated in September 2024 and introduced without a transition period, creating difficulties in the vehicle logistics industry. Many thousands of trucks need certification and, according to the trailer manufacturers at the end of September 2024, less than half of the trucks have received their certificate, with various bottlenecks causing delays.

ECG arranged an open webinar on Tuesday, 24 September 2024, with over 200 participants, to discuss the regulation and to facilitate questions to VDI, the certification company TÜV Süd, and the specialized trailer manufacturers Kässbohrer, Lohr, RIMO and Rolfo. The recording of the webinar can be visualised via the link below.

ECG has pleaded for an understanding from both the German authorities and the OEMs that the Logistics Service Providers need more time to comply with the new rules. ECG emphasizes that the VDI Guideline is not legally binding. Even though the previous VDI Guideline 2700 dates back to 2009, it has proven itself in terms of road safety over many years. The transport of heavy electric vehicles has also not caused any known safety-related issues under the previous guideline. ECG also criticizes the new additional administrative burden caused by the need for certifications, which incur extra costs but do not contribute to safety in any way.

ECG is gathering information about how the police are handling this situation and asks its members to report any issues they encounter either during police inspections or at loading and unloading places. Please use this form to report on any events which may occur.

TÜV SÜD Auto Plus GmbH has been working on informative flyers to inform LSPs about the changes to come and the way to prepare for them. They are available in German and English (March 2024).

AML (Verein Automobillogistik in DSLV E.V.) also published explanatory presentations in July 2024 on the changes that the new VDI Guideline will bring. This file is available in German and English languages.