ECG in the news

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Whenever we are aware of an article in the press featuring ECG in some way we will republish it on this page for future reference.
There is no history prior to May 2011 as we had not previously kept copies of such articles.

Date Publication Title Language
25 July 2024 Automotive Logistics CEE battery sector resilient in the face of European EV slowdown English
17 July 2024 ALIS Magazine L’Associazione Europea della Logistica dei Veicoli ha riunito i propri vertici da tutta Europa presso la sede nazionale di Alis a Roma lo scorso 25 giugno Italian
11 July 2024 Ports et Corridors Le verdissement de la logistique routière entre court et long terme French
25 June 2024 American Journal of Transportation Some easing of congestion at European ‘auto’ ports English
25 June 2024 DVZ Frank Schnelle: Herausfinden, wie Brüssel tickt German
25 June 2024 DVZ Strafzölle sind keine Lösung German
25 June 2024 ECG continues to deliver efficiencies and initiatives across FVL sector English
20 June 2024 Österreichische Verkehrszeitung Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit bei Europas Fahrzeuglogistikern German
17 June 2024 FleetCar ECG Policy update: Review of the provisional tariffs on battery electric vehicles exported from China to the EU English
12 June 2024 Ports et Corridors European Car Group : l’Europe tente de se prémunir contre les importations chinoises French
7 June 2024 Automobilwoche Kosten für Neuwagen-Transporte steigen leicht German
7 June 2024 BMW Group’s Thomas Wiech talks present-day challenges and digital transformation in vehicle distribution English
7 June 2024 Informazioni Marittime 2019-2023: il trasporto marittimo di auto rincara del 150 per cento Italian
7 June 2024 American Journal of Transportation Sanctions “Yet to curtail Russia with any compelling effect.” English
7 June 2024 The Loadstar UK cars reaching Russia – exports from ex-Soviet countries bypass sanctions English
7 June 2024 Portal Portuario ABP acoge reunión de Asociación Europea de Logística de Vehículos en Puerto de Grimsby Spanish
7 June 2024 American Journal of Transportation Automotive near-shoring to backdrop of geopolitical tensions English
7 June 2024 How are Europe’s car manufacturers utilising different transport modes? We talk to ECG Executive Director Mike Sturgeon English
31 May 2024 Rail Fright Where does rail stand in the auto transport and logistics ecosystem? English
31 May 2024 Transport Media Le secteur automobile a besoin d’un ‘Industry Deal’ French
17 May 2024 Ports et Corridors Automobile : la Chine exporte plus de 500 000 véhicules en mars French
17 May 2024 Automotive Logistics Chinese vehicle exports above 1.3m in first quarter, reports ECG English
15 April 2024 Automobilwoche Schwache Nachfrage – Warum sich in Europas Häfen E-Autos stauen German
12 April 2024 The Loadstar Vehicle imports clogging up terminals at European auto ports English
11 April 2024 Die Presse Weniger Aufträge, höhere Kosten German
12 February 2024 Port et corridors La logistique automobile face aux crises politiques et à une baisse de la production en 2024 French
22 January 2024 Mer et Merine Automobile : le marché souffre de sa logistique French
22 January 2024 El canal Marítimo y Logístico El ferrocarril desde China se alza como competidor del tráfico ro-ro en la crisis del Mar Rojo Spanish
10 January 2024 El canal Marítimo y Logístico El “boom” de las exportaciones de vehículos chinos alcanza 5 millones de unidades Spanish
21 December 2023 QDS.IT Supply chain automotive, ECG: prima metodologia di calcolo e rendicontazione emissioni Italian
21 December 2023 Diario del Puerto La automoción europea estandariza el cálculo de emisiones de su cadena de suministro Spanish
21 December 2023 Transport Online Sviluppata la prima metodologia per il calcolo e la rendicontazione delle emissioni nella supply automobilistica Italian
21 December 2023 Supply chain Italy Creato da Ecg e Vda il metodo standard per misurare le emissioni della supply chain automobilistica Italian
21 December 2023 Messaggero Marittimo ECG: collaborazione con VDA e industria dell’auto per il calcolo delle emissioni della supply chain Italian
20 December 2023 Corriere Marittimo Supply chain automotive, ECG: Prima metodologia di calcolo e rendicontazione emissioni Italian
19 December 2023 Automotive Logistics ECG publishes guidance for reporting supply chain emissions English
21 November 2023 FleetCar Business Intelligence: Used ‘ICE’ & ‘EV’ Car Market –Saga continues across Europe English
2 November 2023 Transport Media Kostprijs transport in Duitsland zal stijgen met 7,9 % Dutch
24 October 2023 Transport Journal Slow handover for Schnelle English
23 October 2023 Automotive Logistics Insights from ECG: steering sustainability in European automotive logistics and beyond English
20 October 2023 adampol The ECG Conference 2023 English
19 October 2023 Fleet Transport Frank Schnelle – Next Executive Director appointed at ECG English
19 October 2023 Automar Logistics Automar Logistics alla ECG Conference 2023 Italian
19 October 2023 Ship2Shore ECG appoints new executive director English
19 October 2023 Cadena de Suministro Frank Schnelle, nuevo director ejecutivo de ECG Spanish
19 October 2023 El canal Marítimo y Logístico Franck Schnelle será el director ejecutivo de ECG Spanish
19 October 2023 Automotive Logistics Frank Schnelle appointed executive director at ECG English
4 August 2023 El canal Marítimo y Logístico Las ventas de vehículos en Europa crecen y la “pesadilla” logística se dispara Spanish
4 August 2023 Cadena de Suministro ECG publica una guía para mejorar las previsiones de la logística de vehículos terminados Spanish
4 August 2023 La Gazzetta Marittima Collaborazione fra ECG e ICDP Italian
4 August 2023 La Gazzetta Marittima Prima metodologia per contare i gas serra Italian
4 August 2023 Messaggero Marittimo ECG: il calcolo per la decarbonizzazione del trasporto marittimo Italian
4 August 2023 Shipping Italy Ecg e Smart Freight Centre fissano lo standard per contabilizzare le emissioni nei ro-ro Italian
4 August 2023 Fleet Transport ECG – Association of European Vehicle Logistics sees record attendance at General Assembly & Spring Congress 2023 English
4 August 2023 Automotive Logistics A time of risk and uncertainty for vehicle logistics in Europe English
3 August 2023 Handling Network Driving decarbonisation in Shipping: ECG & Smart Freight Centre publish first ever methodology harmonising emissions accounting in Ro-Ro segment English
3 August 2023 Verkehrs Rundschau Ro-Ro-Verkehr: Automobillogistik entwickelt Standard für CO2-Bilanzen German
3 August 2023 Ports et Corridors Décarbonation : ECG et Smart Freight Contract publient une méthodologie appliquée au roulier French
26 July 2023 Transport Online Pubblicata la prima metodologia in assoluto per armonizzare la contabilizzazione delle emissioni nel segmento Ro-Ro Italian
26 July 2023 Binnenschifffahrt Emissionsbilanzierung in der Automobillogistik German
26 July 2023 Automotive Purchasing and Supply Chain New proposal to allow additional weight for freight vehicles using zero-emission technologies in the EU English
18 July 2023 Automotive Purchasing and Supply Chain ECG and Smart Freight Centre publish the first ever methodology harmonising emissions accounting in the Ro-Ro segment English
18 July 2023 Automotive Logistics European Commission proposes longer loaded truck length for vehicle logistics English
18 July 2023 Automotive Logistics ECG publishes guidance on reporting ro-ro emissions English
29 June 2023 Economy Magazine Logistica per gli autoveicoli, gli esperti varano i nuovi metodi Italian
29 June 2023 El canal Marítimo y Logístico ECG publica una metodología para mejorar las previsiones en la logística de vehículos terminados Spanish
29 June 2023 The Medi Telegraph Pubblicato l’aggiornamento dell’indice dei costi della logistica dei veicoli Italian
29 June 2023 Corriere Marittimo Ecg, costi della logistica dei veicoli finiti aumentati del 58% in 4 anni Italian
29 June 2023 ShipMag Ecg pubblica l’aggiornamento dell’indice dei costi della logistica dei veicoli: +58,3% da gennaio 2019 a dicembre 2022 Italian
29 June 2023 Supply chain Italy Il mare trascina i costi logistici dell’automotive Italian
29 June 2023 Eurotransport Kostenindex für Fahrzeug-Logistik, Preise steigen immer weiter an German
5 June 2023 Cadena de Suministro Aumentan los costes de la logística de vehículos terminados en Europa Spanish
23 May 2023 Intermodal News Spotkanie Wschodniego Sektora stowarzyszenia ECG w Gdańsku Polish
23 May 2023 LogiSYM Emerging Supply Chain Trends – A Look at Evolving Finished Vehicle Logistics Amid Market Shifts and Trends English
16 May 2023 Automotive Logistics Chinese automakers surge amid western withdrawal from Russian market English
16 May 2023 Automotive Logistics Rebuilding trust is key to solving the European capacity crisis English
24 April 2023 Automotive Logistics Digital clouds on the horizon for finished vehicle logistics English
11 April 2023 Faro De Vigo “Tenemos al menos 2 años más de lucha con una capacidad logística insuficiente” Spanish
4 April 2023 ShipMag Ecg sviluppa il primo indice europeo dei costi della logistica delle auto: tra gennaio 2019 e settembre 2022 un aumento del 53,9% Italian
4 April 2023 Ports et Corridors Logistique automobile : la filière créé un indice de hausses des coûts French
4 April 2023 International Transport Journal A cross-industry project to measure emissions English
31 March 2023 Logistra VDA will Emissionen in der Lieferkette berechnen German
28 March 2023 Transport Online Logistica dei veicoli finiti, ritorno della fiducia nel mercato Italian
28 March 2023 Primo Magazine Chi consegnerà la vostra prossima auto? Italian
28 March 2023 La Gazzetta Marittima Logistica auto finite, ancora problemi Italian
28 March 2023 ShipMag Ecg, nasce la prima metodologia standard per il calcolo e la rendicontazione delle emissioni per la supply chain automobilistica Italian
22 March 2023 Automotive Logistics No light at the end of the tunnel English
21 March 2023 Supply chain Italy Logistica automotive ancora in crisi: “I produttori prendono il controllo della capacità” Italian
21 March 2023 Automotive Purchasing and Supply Chain ECG publishes new version of its Capacity Crisis Briefing paper including March 2023 update English
15 March 2023 Research finds road transportation costs have risen noticeably more than rail & sea freight English
14 March 2023 Eurotransport Kostenexplosion in der Fahrzeuglogistik German
14 March 2023 Verkehr ECG und PwC Österreich veröffentlichen Kostenindex für FVL German
14 March 2023 Verkehrs Rundschau Fertigfahrzeuglogistik: Europäischer Kostenindex für FVL entwickelt German
10 March 2023 Automobilwoche Transportpreise schnellen in die Höhe German
9 March 2023 PUERTOS Y MÁS Los costes de la logística de vehículos en Europa se disparan un 54% en tres años Spanish
8 March 2023 El Mercantil La importación de vehículos eléctricos chinos eclosiona con Barcelona como hub de recepción Spanish
8 March 2023 Automotive Logistics FVL Cost Index shows increase across transport modes and compounds English
3 March 2023 Ports et Corridors Logistique automobile : des prévisions pessimistes pour 2023 French
17 January 2023 Automotive Logistics Volvo first to adopt VIN guidance from ECG and Odette English
7 December 2022 Automotive Logistics ECG develops FVL Cost Index with PwC English
28 November 2022 La Gazzetta Marittima Indice dei costi da ECG Italian
25 November 2022 El canal Marítimo y Logístico La ECG lanza el primer Índice de Costes de la Logística de Vehículos Spanish
24 November 2022 Shipping Magazine ECG (logistica dei veicoli finiti) si allea con PwC e lancia “FVL”, l’indice dei costi specifico per il settore Italian
24 November 2022 Ports et Corridors Creation of an automotive logistics cost index French
24 November 2022 El Mercantil La Asociación Europea de Logística de Vehículos elabora un índice de costes del sector Spanish
24 November 2022 Shipping Italy Ecg e Pwc Austria creano l’indice dei costi della logistica dei veicoli finiti Italian
23 November 2022 Transport Online ECG, con il supporto di PwC Austria, svilupperà il primo indice dei costi della logistica dei veicoli finiti Italian
14 November 2022 Logistik Express Verschärfte Engpässe in der Fertigfarzeuglogistik German
14 November 2022 Verkehr Fertigfahrzeuglogistik: Kapazitätsengpässe verschärfen sich zunehmend German
10 November 2022 Eurotransport Neuwagen-Lieferungen ausgebremst German
10 November 2022 Transport Logistik Fertigfahrzeuglogistik: Kapazitätsengpässe verschärfen sich zunehmend German
9 November 2022 Motorbranschen Vem skall leverera dina bilar? Swedish
4 November 2022 Ports et Corridors Automobile : la logistique bientôt en panne sèche French
3 November 2022 MM Logistik Es tobt der Kampf um schwindende Transportkapazitäten German
2 November 2022 Verkehrs Rundschau Fertigfahrzeuglogistik: Kapazitätsengpässe verschärfen sich German
27 October 2022 Shipping Italy Ecg: logistica dei veicoli finiti ora in crisi per la scarsa capacità Italian
27 October 2022 ShipMag Grido d’allarme di Ecg (Associazione europea di logistica dei veicoli): “Chi trasporterà le nuove auto? Mancano navi, camion e treni” Italian
27 October 2022 Messaggero Marittimo ECG: chi consegnerà la vostra prossima auto? Italian
26 October 2022 Automotive Logistics Tesla willing to work with partners for stable outbound capacity English
26 October 2022 Automotive Logistics Carmakers look to restructure European dealer network English
24 October 2022 Automotive Logistics Shedding the legacy of short-term contracts English
24 October 2022 Supply chain Italy “Capacità insufficiente per movimentare i vostri veicoli”: allarme della logistica automotive Italian
19 October 2022 Automotive Logistics Better pay and conditions will help solve the capacity crisis English
11 October 2022 Autoactu Logistique véhicule : un marché désorganisé et spéculatif, nouveau goulet d’étranglement du marché automobile French
28 July 2022 La Gazzetta Marittima Crisi dell’auto, ma presto il boom dell’elettrico Italian
15 July 2022 Ports et Corridors Logistique automobile : ouverture du dialogue entre logisticiens et constructeurs French
11 July 2022 La Gazzetta Marittima La crisi del trasporto auto nuove Italian
11 July 2022 Transport Online Dialogo aperto tra i produttori di auto e i fornitori di servizi logistici per ripristinare fiducia e capacità Italian
11 July 2022 Il Mattino ArmatoArmatori e settore auto, trattativa bisri e settore auto, trattativa bis Italian
11 July 2022 Shipping Italy I produttori di auto aprono al dialogo con i fornitori di servizi logistici Italian
11 July 2022 Fleet car Open dialogue between car manufacturers & logistics providers on the way forward to restore confidence and capacity English
5 July 2022 The Medi Telegraph Logistica dell’auto, ECG lancia l’allarme su inflazione e incertezze del mercato Italian
5 July 2022 Automotive Logistics Crisis in Europe could breed greater cooperation in outbound logistics English
4 July 2022 Ship2Shore ECG spegne 25 candeline e invita gli associati a investire Italian
16 June 2022 Fleet Transport Significant changes required for the survival of the Finished Vehicle Logistics sector English
9 June 2022 International Transport Journal A round table with FVL companies and OEMs English
9 June 2022 El canal Marítimo y Logístico La logística del automóvil pide a los fabricantes buscar soluciones conjuntas en tiempos de crisis Italian
9 June 2022 Verkehrs Rundschau Verband ECG: Fertigfahrzeuglogistiker suchen Dialog in der Krise German
2 June 2022 Corriere Marittimo Automotive, in crisi da tre anni – La guerra in Ucraina si è abbattuta su tutta la filiera Italian
2 June 2022 Economy Magazine Logistica europea dei veicoli: ECG chiede garanzie e cambiamenti significativi Italian
2 June 2022 Messaggero Marittimo Göbel, Ecg: “Formare partnership tra case automobilistiche e operatori” Italian
1 June 2022 Ports et Corridors Logistique automobile : s’adapter aux conditions actuelles et futures French
31 May 2022 Shipping Magazine Ecg, “Per la logistica dei veicoli terzo anno di crisi: pesano Covid, carenza di microchip e guerra in Ucraina” Italian
25 May 2022 El canal Marítimo y Logístico Las crisis consecutivas conducen a los logísticos de vehículos al pesimismo Spanish
25 May 2022 Maria Eriksson Det här är det nya normala Swedish
24 May 2022 Automotive Logistics A time of risk and uncertainty for vehicle logistics in Europe English
24 May 2022 Ship2Shore Tariffe in aumento e produzioni sospese negli stabilimenti automotive Italian
24 May 2022 Ship2Shore Logistica auto, gli addetti ai lavori tirano le somme Italian
24 May 2022 El canal Marítimo y Logístico El puerto de Tarragona participa en la asamblea de la asociación europea de logística de vehículos Spanish
24 May 2022 Messaggero Marittimo Ecg Conference 2021: lo speciale Italian
24 May 2022 Messaggero Marittimo ECG conferma: per la logistica un futuro incerto Italian
24 May 2022 Naucher Tarragona presente en la asamblea general de ECG Spanish
24 May 2022 Ship2Shore ECG rinnova il vertice associativo e festeggia le nozze d’argento Italian
24 May 2022 Messaggero Marittimo Assemblea di ECG a Malaga Italian
24 May 2022 Messaggero Marittimo Comini: “Clienti scontenti, ma il problema è generale” Italian
24 May 2022 Messaggero Marittimo ECG: Autotrade and Logistics a Malaga Italian
24 May 2022 Messaggero Marittimo Baldissara: ECG ha raggiunto risultati positivi Italian
19 May 2022 Supply chain Italy Fiducia ai minimi termini tra gli operatori della logistica auto Italian
18 May 2022 Shipping Italy Volontà di investimento ai minimi per gli operatori della logistica automotive Italian
17 May 2022 Ship2Shore Per l’ECG la logistica automotive vive una crisi peggior di quella del 2008 Italian
17 May 2022 Ship2Shore La guerra in Ucraina ‘bombarda’ anche il settore automotive che trascina nel rischio tutta la filiera Italian
16 May 2022 Ship2Shore La logistica auto alle prese con Covid, guerra e inflazione. Il convegno ECG Italian
25 March 2022 Ports et Corridors Logistique automobile : la crise ukrainienne met la filière en danger French
24 March 2022 Fleet Transport War against Ukraine dramatically increases risk to vehicle logistics – ECG English
17 March 2022 Minskgrid Ukraine-Krieg verstärkt Risiken für Fahrzeuglogistik enorm German
17 March 2022 ITJ Car logistics: from the frying pan into the fire? English
15 March 2022 DVZ Ukraine-Update: Maersk will russische Hafenbeteiligung verkaufen German
15 March 2022 Supply chain Italy “Con la guerra necessario rivedere i contratti per il trasporto di veicoli finiti” Italian
15 March 2022 Automotive Logistics Ukraine’s vital link in the European supply chain English
15 March 2022 Naucher La guerra contra Ucrania aumenta el riesgo para la logística de vehículos Spanish
15 March 2022 Verkehrs Rundschau Ukraine-Update: Krieg hat erhebliche wirtschaftliche Konsequenzen German
15 March 2022 MM Logistik Der Ukraine-Krieg gefährdet die Fahrzeuglogistik German
14 March 2022 Nordic Market Ukraine-Krieg verstärkt Risiken für Fahrzeuglogistik enorm German
14 March 2022 The Medi Telegraph Invasione dell’Ucraina, l’ECG: “Rischi in forte aumento per la logistica dei veicoli” Italian
14 March 2022 Informazione Marittime Ucraina, l’impatto della guerra sull’industria dell’auto Italian
14 March 2022 Setram The Association of European Vehicle Logistics (ECG): “War against Ukraine dramatically increases risk to vehicle logistics” English
14 March 2022 Eurotransport Fahrzeuglogistiker fürchten weitere Krise German
3 February 2022 ShipMag ECG: “Capacità logistica ridotta e aumento dei prezzi frenano la ripresa del mercato” Italian
1 February 2022 Logistra Fahrzeuglogistiker beklagen höhere Kosten und niedrigere Kapazitäten German
1 February 2022 Eurotransport Düstere Stimmung bei Fahrzeuglogistikern German
1 February 2022 Economy Magazine L’indagine di ECG conferma la riduzione della capacità logistica all’aumentare dei costi Italian
1 February 2022 Fleet Transport ECG survey confirms reducing logistics capacity as costs rocket English
31 January 2022 International Transport Journal Automotive logistics reeling from soaring costs English
31 January 2022 El canal Marítimo y Logístico La logística de vehículos nuevos teme por el futuro ante el aumento de los costos Spanish
31 January 2022 Transport Schlechte Ertragslage: Fertigfahrzeuglogistiker blicken sorgenvoll in die Zukunft German
31 January 2022 Shipping Italy Per la logistica automotive aumento dei costi “senza precedenti” e capacità di stiva a -6% Italian
30 January 2022 Logística press Logística de vehículos amenazada por reducción de capacidad y mayores costos Spanish
29 January 2022 Supply chain Italy Per la logistica di veicoli finiti la carenza di autisti è un “problema esistenziale” Italian
29 January 2022 Auto: logistica, costi e carenza materiali peggio di pandemia Italian
28 January 2022 Giornale di Sicilia Auto: logistica, costi e carenza materiali peggio di pandemia Italian
28 January 2022 The Medi Telegraph Un’indagine di Ecg conferma la riduzione della capacità logistica Italian
28 January 2022 Informazioni Marittime La logistica dei veicoli è sotto pressione Italian
28 January 2022 Tiscali Notizie Auto: logistica,costi e carenza materiali peggio di pandemia Italian
28 January 2022 Il denaro Logistica dei veicoli, aumento senza precedenti dei costi. L’Ecg: Ripresa a rischio Italian
28 January 2022 Port Ediciones La encuesta de la Asociación Europea de Logística de Vehículos (ECG) confirma la reducción de la capacidad logística como consecuencia del aumento de los costos Spanish
28 January 2022 Ventepies La encuesta de la asociación ECG confirma la reducción de la capacidad logística como consecuencia del aumento de los costos Spanish
27 January 2022 Naucher La Asociación Europea de Logística de Vehículos teme por el alza extrema de los costes Spanish
27 January 2022 Cadena de Suministro El sector de la logística de vehículo terminado ha perdido capacidad por el aumento de los costes Spanish
27 January 2022 News dayFR La réduction de la capacité et l’augmentation des coûts menacent la logistique des véhicules French
26 January 2022 Lamezia in strada La capacità ridotta e l’aumento dei costi minacciano la logistica dei veicoli Italian

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