Quality Manuals

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The Operations Quality Manuals contain industry minimum requirements for the handling of Cars and LCVs, Commercial Vehicles, as well as High & Heavy vehicles. The Quality Working Group developed them and took the lead in their constant improvement over the years. The latest versions of these three manuals and their translations can be downloaded from the below tables. You can navigate through the tables by clicking on the appropriate label.

  • OQM for H&H
  • OQM for CVs
  • OQM for Cars and LCVs

OQM for CVs

English v2
French v2
German v2
Italian v2
Russian v2
Spanish v2

OQM for Cars & LCVs

English – version 10
Dutch – version 10
French – version 10
German – version 10
Italian – version 10
Polish – version 10
Portuguese – version 10
Russian – version 10
Spanish – version 10
Turkish – version 10

OQM for H&H

English – version 2
French – version 2
German – version 2
Italian – version 2
Russian – version 2
Spanish – version 2

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