Third successful Quality meeting of the year

Third successful Quality meeting of the year

ECG — 2023-12-08

News from ECG

30 November saw the third meeting of the Quality Working Group this year, with a very good turnout both online and in the room in Brussels. Thanks to those who attended the meeting and contributed to the lively discussions! Attendees learnt that a new co-chair has started working for the advancement of the Quality issues within the group: Torben Stadtaus from Volkswagen Konzernlogistik, also supported by the VDA. We welcomed him on board and look forward to a good collaboration in the future!

The attendees discussed about a lot of aspects of carrying Electric Vehicles, especially on board ships, and we heard about the latest developments within IMO. After two surveys among ECG members on the fire incidents involving Electric Vehicles in the supply chain, the ECG Board has decided to initiate a reporting possibility for any such incidents. This will be established at the beginning of the New Year and then launched as soon as possible.

The other issue which was discussed at the meeting concerns the advance information that shipping lines receive on their booked cargo. Many have said that they don’t have a full picture and there are some crucial pieces of information which they are lacking (fuel type, ground clearance, vehicle dimensions, etc.). It was decided to convene a dedicated workshop where this could be discussed and be extended to include the other modes of transport.

Attendees heard a presentation on the activities of the Vehicle Carrier Safety Forum (VCSF), which brings together shipping lines and P&I clubs. This forum is very focused on any safety issue related to the transport of vehicles with high-voltage batteries. It has drafted a ‘Common guidance on the presentation and loading of vehicles’ which covers both conventional and Electric Vehicles. As a next step it will focus on the drafting of a guidance for dealing with cargo fires and later next year will also issue training guidelines. ECG and the VCSF will stay in contact and will brief each other on their respective activities.

The participants of the meeting adopted the final draft document on the transport of cars in containers which will be added as a standalone chapter to the Operations Quality Manual. This will soon be published and translated in the usual 10 languages.

The next Quality meeting will be held in April-May 2024. (The date will be confirmed in due course.) In case you need any further information on the Quality group and its activities please contact Szilvi Kiss.