The new VDI 2700 guideline on lashing on vehicle transporters will be published soon

The new VDI 2700 guideline on lashing on vehicle transporters will be published soon

ECG — 2023-12-20

News from ECG

ECG members should be aware that changes will come soon concerning the equipment, which can be used for lashing on vehicle transporters in Germany. This doesn’t only refer to loading and unloading but also to simply crossing the country. As many members know already, the VDI guideline 2700 has been reworked in a dedicated group and the final draft (the so-called “green print”) of the new guideline is already available for purchase. During the review process until the end of the year comments can still be submitted on the technical part of the text or mistakes corrected.

The parts of the guideline relevant for vehicle transporters are: Part 8 on test requirements, Part 8.1 on securing of cars and LCVs and Part 8.2 on securing of trucks. The draft guidelines can be purchased on the Beuth Verlag’s website.

The final version of the guideline (the so called “white print”) will probably be approved in Q1 2024. It is important to note that when it is published the new guideline will be effective immediately. There will be no phase-in and no exceptions. The police will immediately start to check the trucks re. their equipment, certification and the lashing applied.

TÜV SÜD Auto Plus GmbH is currently working on new flyers to inform the LSPs about the changes to come and the way to prepare for them.

TÜV SÜD Auto Plus GmbH’s advice is that LSPs contact their trailer manufacturers as early as possible to have a certificate attesting that their equipment is conform to the new guideline. It is the manufacturer itself who ensures the process for certification. However, if the trailer manufacturer company doesn’t exist any more, TÜV SÜD Auto Plus GmbH will be able to help with the certification process. In this case please contact Thorsten Ludwig directly.

TÜV SÜD Auto Plus GmbH will offer trainings for both the trainers (“train the trainers”) and the drivers. These trainings will be provided in German by TÜV SÜD Auto Plus GmbH. If any other language is needed, translation needs to be ensured by the participating companies. The one-day trainings can be held online or on site as well. The fee of the training is dependent on the location. If interested in such a training, you can fill in the form here. We will share this form with TÜV SÜD Auto Plus GmbH who will then group the various interest of ECG member companies together if possible.