Renault Trucks initiates DOLPHIN research & development project

Renault Trucks initiates DOLPHIN research & development project

Freight Carbon Zero — 2023-12-15

Automotive Industry

The project’s focal points include assessing advancements in energy and environmental optimisation, safety enhancements, ergonomic improvements, and onboard comfort.

The DOLPHIN project (Development Original truck Lab for PHysical INtegration) brings together a consortium of industrial and academic research partners from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Key participants include Lamberet, a manufacturer of refrigerated semi-trailers; SafetyTech, a Gauzy Company specialising in driving comfort and safety solutions; and various laboratories affiliated with the National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) and Clermont Auvergne University.

The collaborative effort will result in the creation of a demonstration vehicle based on an all-electric truck. This vehicle will serve as a testing ground for innovations across three primary research domains:

1. Energy and Environmental Optimisation:The project will explore the aerodynamics of the all-electric vehicle, focusing on enhancing the overall energy efficiency of the assembly.

2.Safety for Road Users:Specific equipment will be integrated to improve the detection of vulnerable road users, contributing to enhanced safety measures.

3. Ergonomics and On-board Comfort: A redesigned dashboard and innovative interior fittings will prioritise the driver’s well-being, providing an advanced on-board experience.

Additionally, new mobile applications designed to optimise the management of bodywork equipment will undergo testing as part of the project.

Recognized for its potential impact, the DOLPHIN project secured victory in the “CORAM 2022” call for projects, receiving support from the Comité d’Orientation pour la Recherche Automobile et Mobilité. Funding for the project has been provided by the French government through France 2030 and the European Union - Next Generation EU as part of the France Relance plan.