EAAG Election 2024-2026

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The applications to become part of the EAAG are now open

The ECG Academy Advisory Group (EAAG) elections take place every two years. The new EAAG will officially start its activities from 9 February 2024 at the 11th Alumni meeting when the members of the group will be officially elected.

How to become part of the EAAG? If you would like to be a member of the EAAG please click on the button below and submit your application.

I would like to be part of the EAAG

The deadline to become a candidate for the elections of the new EAAG is 15 December 2023.

What is the EAAG?

The ECG Academy Advisory Group (EAAG) was established in October 2010 as a means of harnessing the enthusiasm and growing experience in this exclusive club for the benefit of the sector. To this end a number of projects were identified that the group could work on and these were discussed and agreed between the EAAG and the ECG Board. As its main objectives, the EAAG is currently researching innovative projects within the finished vehicle logistics sector, as well as developing a networking programme for the ECG Academy Alumni.

You can see our current members and find more information here.