ECG — 2024-02-12
News from ECG
We have become aware of a continuous scam that is targeting all those in contact with our organisation. This scam is using the name of our organisation, but a non-ECG email address. The email addresses used currently by the scammers are and, but they could also be using other addresses.
The scam email text is as per below:
Dear Valued Member,
Did you receive the 2024 membership invoice?
If not, kindly get back to us as soon as possible to resend the 2024 membership invoice or we will withdraw your company from our membership.
Mr Jenifer Poker
Director of Finance.
ECG – The Association of European Vehicle Logistics
Bd. Auguste Reyers 80
B-1030 Brussels
In case you reply, you will be asked to pay the invoice to a new Revolut bank account.
Please make sure to only reply to emails coming from verified ECG email accounts.
Do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any questions.