CLECAT — 2022-12-09
News from Brussels
The CLECAT Road Logistics Institute met on 9 December to exchange views on developments affecting road transport and logistics at national and EU level. Members discussed the issues related to the shortage of drivers, the revision of the Weights and Dimensions Directive as well as policy developments with regards to the Fit for 55 Package.
Members received a report on the recent ELP webinar on the shortage of drivers and more generally the lack of skilled workforce in logistics, which took place mid-November. Members discussed possible solutions to address the issue, and notably the upcoming revision of the Driving License Directive, which will open the opportunity to ease the burden on drivers to get a professional license, improve interoperability of certificates between Member States and attract a younger workforce to the sector.
Members took note of the publication of the CLECAT position paper on Weights and Dimensions and discussed the way forward. CLECAT will continue to promote its position to policymakers and various stakeholders, ahead of the publication of the Commission proposal expected in May 2023
Finally, members exchanged on the latest policy developments with regards to the decarbonisation of road freight transport, namely the ongoing trilogue negotiations on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) and the ETS for road transport (ETS 2). CLECAT will continue to call for ambitious targets for the deployment of recharging/refuelling points for heavy-duty vehicles in the AFIR proposal, and for a fair ETS 2 which includes all road users and returns a fair share of its revenues to the road freight sector to help decarbonise their fleet. Members also took note of the publication of the CLECAT position paper on CO2 standards for heavy-duty vehicles, for which the Commission is expected to adopt a proposal early next year.