IRU — 2022-12-20
News from Brussels
IRU joined a group of key stakeholders invited by the European Internal Market Commissioner, Thierry Breton, to set concrete key performance indicators (KPIs) for a clean and competitive transformation of the EU’s automotive ecosystem.
Along with other representatives from the automotive ecosystem, including non-governmental organisations, manufacturers, suppliers and local authorities, IRU was happy to contribute to, and provide feedback on, the five KPIs proposed by Commissioner Thierry Breton.
For road transport operators, the first three KPIs targeting charging infrastructure, electricity generation capacity and grid, and raw materials will enable the transition to zero-emission vehicles. They are also elements which may affect the continuity of mobility and supply chains if not adequately rolled out and stabilised across the entire EU.
IRU Director of EU Advocacy Raluca Marian said, “Trucks and buses are not cars. This has consequences not only from a technological perspective, but also because freight and collective passenger transport play a unique economic function. They move the economy forward. As a society, we cannot risk having blockages. If they stop, the economy stops. Who can afford that?”
Route 35 kick-off meeting with Commissioner Thierry Breton (third from right, first row) and IRU Director of EU Advocacy Raluca Marian (fourth from right, first row).
Affordability and jobs are also very relevant KPIs. For transport operators, an element of economic efficiency should be added to affordability. Different technologies suit different purposes.
“We can imagine a future landscape where different vehicle technologies are best fit for urban, regional transport, or long haul transport and for various purposes to best fulfil our mission. For such a future, transport companies need options. Just electric-battery and hydrogen may not be enough,” added Raluca Marian.
IRU looks forward to continuing the discussion in 2023 and further developing the KPIs, including their interconnection with current EU initiatives, such as the alternative fuels infrastructure regulation.