Parliament vote on trucks CO2 standards: more support needed for clean affordable fuels for shipping

Parliament vote on trucks CO2 standards: more support needed for clean affordable fuels for shipping

ECSA — 2023-11-22

News from Brussels

ECSA welcomes the outcome of yesterday’s European Parliament vote on the new Carbon Dioxide standards for heavy-duty vehicles and the rejection of the Carbon Correction Factor (CCF) for trucks. The introduction of a CCF would artificially increase demand for biofuels and RFNBOs for trucks.

Although the CCF was voted down, the Parliament’s proposal for a broadened definition of climate neutral fuels continues to raise concerns about the introduction of unnecessary additional incentives for trucks.

“Sustainable and scalable renewable fuels are key to decarbonise the shipping industry, but the current lack of availability risks blocking the decarbonisation of the sector. To reach the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C target, an immense effort is needed to make clean and affordable fuels available for shipping. We therefore urge the Council and the Parliament to oppose any unnecessary additional incentives in the trilogue negotiations for the truck Carbon Dioxide standards” said ECSA Secretary General, Sotiris Raptis.

Background information

European co-legislators are currently revising the Carbon Dioxide emission standards for new heavy-duty vehicles under which vehicle manufacturers have to reduce average fleet emissions of their new sales by -45% in 2030, -65% in 2035, and -90% in 2040. Zero-emission trucks and buses are defined as battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell, or hydrogen combustion vehicles.