ACEA — 2023-11-29
News from Brussels
“Our sector is in the midst of the biggest transformation in over a century,” said Mr de Meo, who is also CEO of Renault Group. “There is no question for us about the need to decarbonise. We are investing billions to make this happen – far more than any other sector.”
Given the scale of the transformation, no single stakeholder will be able to transform the whole mobility ecosystem alone. ACEA therefore launched today its manifesto for the next European Parliament and Commission, with a roadmap based on three pillars – supply, production, and demand – to be implemented by the auto industry together with its partners.
“Our industry has on average eight or nine EU regulations coming into force every year until 2030; in some cases, these are conflicting regulations,” explained Mr de Meo.
“Europe urgently needs to adopt a holistic approach to automotive industry challenges, encompassing the entire value chain, from upstream to downstream. Because the issues we are facing cut right across sectors: automotive, mining, energy, infrastructure and beyond. If you look at our global competitors, you see that they are very good at doing this.”
“Europe must not only ensure that we are as well-equipped as other regions, it must also ensure that we compete on a level playing field. Competition is very healthy, and true competition also means open global markets and free and fair trade rules,” said Mr de Meo.
A key element of ACEA’s roadmap is to make Europe a hub for manufacturing green and smart vehicles. “We need to collaborate with policy makers to create the conditions for manufacturing a diverse range of zero-emission models, including small, affordable electric vehicles that are profitable to produce in Europe,” explained de Meo.
“This way we can tackle many challenges with the same silver bullet, especially when it comes to urban mobility. We also need to work on the demand side through adequate, fit-for-purpose incentive schemes, at all policy levels, from the EU down to urban and local authorities.”
Today, ACEA’s Board of Directors also re-elected Mr de Meo to serve a second-year term as President. ACEA’s President is elected for one year, renewable once, by member company CEOs.