Valenciaport — 2023-10-02
Members Corner
A 100% green port also implies that its staff travels to work in a sustainable way to its docks. With this objective in mind, Valenciaport has promoted the development of a ‘Sustainable Transport to Work Plan’ that aims to implement a series of actions to turn the Commercial Port of Valencia into an emission-free area that is accessible in all modes: pedestrian, cyclist, public transport, personal mobility vehicle and electric car.
Without forgetting that the commercial port is a fiscal precinct -that is, an area of economic activity with special characteristics- through this plan, the aim is to achieve the harmonization of spaces and the safe coexistence of common areas for pedestrians, cyclists and personal mobility vehicles, paying special attention to road safety.
In this sense, Valenciaport has awarded the development of this plan, in the formulation of which the workers of the enclosure will participate. With the implementation of the actions developed in it, it is expected to reduce in the short term at least 15% of trips in private vehicles and their equivalent in CO2 emissions.
Previous survey
In order to know the conditions of movement and access to the port facilities, Valenciaport has carried out a preliminary diagnostic study in which 24% of the staff participated, including office staff, stevedores and transport companies. The results of this participatory process indicate that a rearrangement of the port space is necessary to make it easier and safer to travel by bicycle, personal mobility vehicles -such as electric scooters- and even on foot.
6 out of 10 live in València city
Approximately 58% of port employees reside in the city of Valencia. According to the results obtained in the participatory process, a higher frequency of public transport to the port area would benefit this profile that is predisposed to leave the car at home if there were more bus lines or safe accesses for bicycle or skateboard are deployed. Those who live in nearby towns such as Paterna or Torrente suggest the use of shuttle buses. With all the information extracted from the participatory process, the company awarded the ‘PAV Sustainable Transport to Work Plan’ has about six months to submit a proposal for viable actions that represent a significant advance and facilitate sustainable journeys in itinere of the staff of the Commercial Port and the office area. In parallel to this plan, work is being carried out with social agents, city councils and public institutions in order to address and implement all the resolution measures that involve urban reorganization and improvement of public transport.