Port of Valencia — 2023-01-15
Members Corner
Everything is now ready for the Port of Valencia to become the first European port to deploy hydrogen technology in its activity. On Tuesday 17 January, the loading test of this clean fuel will be carried out at the hydrogen plant located on the Xità quay.
The tank that will receive the hydrogen and the mobile refuelling station that will charge it are already at the Port of Valencia facilities. During the previous days, the technicians have carried out leak and pressure tests to determine whether the storage tank is leaking and to check that the operation is functioning correctly. Specifically, these tests have been carried out using helium and nitrogen gas mixed with a small proportion of hydrogen, simulating the real conditions of the manoeuvre at high pressures.
On Tuesday, the tank will be filled with hydrogen, the most abundant chemical element in nature, a colourless, odourless and non-toxic gas found in water or biomass, which can be stored for long periods of time. Technicians from Valenciaport, the National Hydrogen Centre and Carburos Metálicos are participating in this operation.
The refuelling process in a hydrogen plant is very similar to that of a conventional petrol station, although the hydrogen is supplied at high pressure. In the next few days, the two prototypes of vehicles that will receive this fuel of the future will arrive at the Port of Valencia for testing at the Valencian precinct. Specifically, they will be tested on a reach stacker vehicle which will be powered by this energy and will operate at MSC Terminal Valencia; and on a 4×4 tractor unit equipped with a set of fuel cells for testing in the loading/unloading activities at Valencia Terminal Europa of the Grimaldi Group.
This initiative is part of H2PORTS -Implementing Fuel Cells and Hyrdogen Technologies in Ports-. The project is coordinated by the Valenciaport Foundation and funded by the European Union’s Clean Hydrogen JU programme. Its objective is to test and validate hydrogen technologies on port machinery that allow for applicable and real solutions without affecting the performance and safety of port operations and producing zero emissions.
The H2Ports project will involve a total investment of more than €4m and involves, in addition to the Valenciaport Foundation and the Port Authority of Valencia, the research centres Centro Nacional del Hidrógeno and Atena Distretto Alta Tecnologia Energia Ambiente and the private companies MSC Terminal Valencia, Grimaldi Group, Hyster-Yale, Ballard Power Systems Europe, Carburos Metálicos and Enagás.