Maritime and Ports Offshore Energy - 2023-10-18
The developments are promising, but as the 2030 deadline looms closer, the need for essential advancements becomes increasingly urgent. …
Maritime and Ports European Parliament - 2023-10-18
This study looks at Chinese investments in maritime infrastructures through the lens of ‘de-risking’ for the first time. …
Maritime and Ports Global Maritime Forum - 2023-10-17
The All Aboard Alliance, an initiative of the Global Maritime Forum, today announced a groundbreaking initiative, Diversity@Sea, that will see 11 companies pilot a series of test measures to make life at sea more inclusive and attractive …
Maritime and Ports World Shipping Council - 2023-10-10
Following the publication today of its CBER Staff Working Document, the European Commission’s DG COMP has announced that it recommends letting the sector-specific Consortia Block Exemption Regulation (CBER) lapse, and that liner shipping …
Maritime and Ports DNV - 2023-10-09
Different methods for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will be necessary to achieve international, regional, and national emissions targets. …
Maritime and Ports Offshore Energy - 2023-10-05
Under the regulation, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) mandates that ships with a gross tonnage (GT) of 5,000 or more, falling under specific categories, must annually calculate their operational carbon emissions. …
Maritime and Ports Offshore Energy - 2023-10-04
Pioneered in 2019 by Citi, Societe Generale, and DNB with the support of the Global Maritime Forum, the initiative now gathers 30 major shipping banks. …
Maritime and Ports Offshore Energy - 2023-10-02
As explained, the new company will use modern additive manufacturing technology and a global partner network to produce and deliver spare parts. …
Maritime and Ports The Load Star - 2023-09-29
Liner lobby group the World Shipping Council (WSC) yesterday launched a new cargo safety project, aimed at reducing the risk of fire onboard ships. …
Maritime and Ports - 2023-09-28
Are shipyards doing enough for foster innovative designs? …